Why am I seeing the 'Please select another email' message during login?

If you come across the message "please select another email" while attempting to log in, it signifies that you're attempting to create a new account using an email address that is already linked to an active Fax.Plus account. It's important to note that you cannot employ the same email for multiple Fax.Plus accounts.

Note: Ensure that you are attempting to login using the login link, rather than the signup link.

If you have forgotten the password associated with your account, you can reset your password through the following link: https://app.fax.plus/reset-password. Simply provide the email address associated with your Fax.Plus account on the password reset page. An email containing a link to reset your password will then be sent to you.

‍💬 Still having trouble accessing your account?

Please get in touch with us. Our support team is ready to provide you with further assistance.

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