How can I add an existing Fax.Plus user to my SSO-enabled account?

Who can use this feature?

Available on Enterprise plan.

Accessible to Owners and Admins on Web App.

If a user has already created a Free or another type of paid subscription account with Fax.Plus using their current email address, in order to be added to a corporate team via SSO, they need to release their email. They can easily update the linked email address to a different one within their existing account.

Note: One email address cannot be associated to two Fax.Plus accounts.

Follow these steps to change the email address of your existing Fax.Plus account:

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Profile section on your Dashboard.
  2. Under the tab for General, find My Info. Click on Edit.
  3. Next to the field for Email, click on Modify to change your email address.
  4. Click on Save.

Note: After performing the operation above, you will be able to sync team members from your identity provider such as; Okta, or Microsoft Azure.

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